Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dogs everywhere!

Middle of the night, middle of the road, black ones, spotted ones, little ones, little ones with gigantic heads, there are dogs everywhere and they love to bark and fight. The genetic diversity of some of these dogs is astounding. I’m wondering if we shouldn’t be doing neutering and spading instead of basic sanitation projects.

We already started doing a basic sanitation project this last Monday. There is a young family that lives approx. ¾ mile away from Anna and I’s houses that does not have a proper bathroom. They poop with there cows in the field behind there house, brainworm anyone? We began by building a solid base with field stone and the rest of the Bano ecologia will be constructed with brick, rebar, cement, and some ceramics. The latrine/bano ecologia will be a dry latrine, meaning that after each use a small amount of dry material (lime, sawdust, (don’t mix the two) etc.) will be added (down the hole) and within eight months to a year of use you have clean compost. The bathroom will be elevated and have two chambers, one chamber every eight months to a year then switch to the next chamber. It gets a bit more complicated but you get the idea. Reduce, reuse, and recycle.

It’s a bit cold here in the mornings about 40 F but then heats up to around 70-80 by early afternoon, and dry, and I love it. Breakfast consists of a hot beverage similar to ovaltine or coffee if you’re lucky enough to have bought it and a basic, somewhat flat, tasteless, nondescript piece of bread in a roll form. Lunch is always soup and usually pretty good. Dinner (for those volunteers that get it) is filling and good as well with plenty of carbs, rice, potatoes, egg, beef (I’m not sure what kind) and juice, its always some variation of those ingredients.
Its not quite wish-list time, but if someone sent me some jif peanut butter I wouldn’t complain. What news of home has you! We hope everybody is doing well.

Daniel/Papa, hope your feeling better, we’re sending good energy your way.
On a technical note for our blog, some folks have said that they can’t post a response, at the end of the blog entry there is a line that usually reads something, something,…comments (0). That line can be clicked on, specifically the word “comments”, and will lead to a page where you can post your comments


Padre Sully said...

Buenas dias/nochas senor e senora.
OK that's it..and probably wrong.
We love hearing about your experience, keep up the good work.
Greetings to your host families.
Take care, MC/KMS

Tomas Sullivan said...

Thanks ma and pa

Pics from North Carolina to Virginia