Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Bolivian Weight Loss Program

Hoping to drop five to ten? A swift trip to Bolivia will do the trick. It's as easy as drinking the water (we won't name the magical ingredient cause it's gross), and a week later you're be the slim bean you've always dreamed of being.

We've been here a month, I've lost five pounds, Tom ten maybe. We're smiling, beautiful, and spending more time on the toilet than ever before. A friend back home (I'll protect her id. for duh reasons) is on a diet of water, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper to prep for a wedding she's in. Barf. I'll take a healthy diet con scoots anyday over that nastiness.

All is well in BoBo. We're learning more than we ever dreamed about toilets and diseases, enjoying our new friends, and making fools of ourselves with the Spanglish. I'm starting to miss you peeps, so go ahead and make some plans to come see us in the near future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woah woah woah. The maple syrup and cayenne pepper isn't that bad with the lemmon juice. And it means I spend practically NO time on the toilet.

So. What. EVER!

Don't loose too much weight, little Bird. Way to drink the water!

a friend back home

Pics from North Carolina to Virginia