Sunday, March 22, 2009

March 22: Nantahala Outdoor Center, NC

135.0 miles.

Ahh, just polished off a one pund breakfast burrito, stack of pancakes, bacon, and five cups of coffee. Soooo happy. Spent last night at Rufus Morgan shelter with Toad, Chipmunk, and Almond Joy after an absolutely brutal 7 mile downhill stretch from Wesser Bald. Now, our bellies full, it's eight miles straight up the other side, up from 1700 to 5000 feet.

It seems Tom and I are the only ones who've made it this far without being pegged with trail names. We'd better start doing outlandish and notable things to earn us some good ones. So far, everyone just calls us T&A. Guess that'll do.

Have I mentioned that I love this? Not just the occassional huge breakfasts, though they do rock my world. I mean the life in the woods. What a way to spend your days: wake up slowly, have some tea and breakfast, pack up our house and start walking. Go up a mountain, sweat, breathe, focus on the trail, feel your legs push and stride, stretching out in front of you over and over like a tireless machine. Reach the top, take a deep breath. Go down a mountain, thoughts meander, legs relax, body cools, reach the gap, do it all over again. Take a rest, eat a feast, set out again. Find a beautiful spot, set up home, feast again, sit and talk, stretch, swap backrubs, get in our bags, chat until we fall asleep. Sleep. A perfect day. No stress, no worries, just lots of good exercise, clean air, hard work, beautiful views, and free thinking.

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