Wednesday, August 22, 2007

all i want for christmas

That's a long way off, I know. But a number of friends have said they would like to send us a package and are wondering what to put inside. No way would we turn that down. So happens that my birthday is in a few weeks, too, so to make it easy on all you wonderful people that want to send some love and joy in the mail, here's some ideas of lightweight treasure I would kill for (and a few for Tom of course):

good coffee and tea
dried fruit, almonds, walnuts
your fave spice or herb mix (we have oregano, salt, and pepper here, nada mas)
any burts bees products
bars of hippie chocolate (endangered species chocolate, eg)
hemp, string and beads
pictures of the fun you're up to
mixed cd's
yummy lip balms and chapsticks
good pens
magazines (backpacker, NG, any trashy smut that I would never read at home but somehow find comforting when I'm so far removed)
mach 3 blades
beef jerky
favorite recipes

Any package should be under four pounds or it will cost an arm and a leg to send and pick up. Also, regardless of what you put inside, say that the contents are religious materials (put a little prayer and verse in there if you don't want to lie) or pictures and letters, and declare the value as zero dollars. Otherwise, we will have to pay the value of the package, which, I assure you, we can't afford. Our address is on the right. Our love and gratitude are in the air for all who are thinking of us and supporting us on this grand adventure.

As always, we miss you wonderful people and wish we could hang out for an evening. Soon enough.


Anonymous said...

So do I get to send you my christmas list?... Hey, I'm making my own chapstick and body butter. The body butter is for very dry skin (gardener's hands, swimmers, etc.), but would you like some? I don't know how dry it is there... I could also pass along some NG magazines if it isn't already being done... I hope you are both well! I think all I have on my Christmas list is a postcard from Bolivia...

Anonymous said...


one glance at that wish list, and i knew immediately that while you can do without food, water, and shelter, a woman's got to have good music. so it's in the mail today! i made on cd churchy music so i can write "religious materials" on the package and not go straight to hell.

miss you crazies! xx pirtle

anna sullivan said...

You are good people!!!!

Pirt-hole, I can´t wait to get your tunes, dude. Church it up! Don´t worry about hell for now -we´ll deal with that later. For now, you have made my day and are bound for the pearly gates fo´sho!

Jamie, you are rad and creative and I don´t know anyone else in the world who makes their own body butter -too cool! Yeah we´ll take some, or the chapstick. You can never go wrong with soft, hydrated lips and skin, right?

Pics from North Carolina to Virginia